Teck Kootenay Cup #1 & 2/BC Winter Games Trials (Zone 1)
Rossland, BC December 28-29, 2019
Race Notice: attached
Registration Online: http://zone4.ca
Registration Deadline: Thursday Dec 26th at 11:59 PM (PST)
Zone 1 BC Winter Games Trials
Golden, Invermere, Kimberley, Cranbrook, Fernie, Elkford, Sparwood, Fruitvale, Creston, Nelson, New Denver, Castlegar, Trail, Rossland, Grand Forks....
BCWG Zone Representative: Fred Bushell, Rossland. Ph: (250) 362-7134; Email: kootenayfred@hotmail.com
BCWG Technical Guidelines: http://www.crosscountrybc.ca/sites/default/files/documents/2020%20BC%20Winter%20Games%20Technical%20Guidelines%20v9.pdf
Teck Kootenay Cup Technical Guidelines: http://www.crosscountrybc.ca/sites/default/files/documents/2019-20%20Teck%20RC%20TG%20-%20Kootenay.pdf
NEW in 2020! Up to 8 additional competitors (4 male and 4 female) and 2 additional coaches (1 male and 1 female) with Indigenous ancestry are permitted to attend the Games providing they self-identify and can produce proof of ancestry.