New Resources in CCC’s Online Athlete Development Matrix (ADM)
CCC keeps adding new resources for coaches to its online Athlete Development Matrix! Video clips that include diagrams and tips for the key technique benchmarks of each step of our sport’s LTAD Model now offer a technique library page with technical analysis as well. In addition detailed explanations of each training zone, with examples of corresponding workouts, are available for T2T, L2C and T2C stages, along with samples of yearly, seasonal and weekly training plans for each of those stages of development. A waxing video is also available.
The most recent addition is a series of videos on rollerski braking techniques. These videos show different techniques for slowing down and braking while rollerskiing. Example: Rolling Onto Grass Additional rollerski videos will be posted soon so stay tuned!
Any NCCP trained coach who has a NCCP # and is a member of a CCBC club can register to access the online 'Matrix' for free. Register here - If you are an NCCP trained coach (all you need is to have taken the ICC Workshop), and don’t know your NCCP #, you can find it at: