Hollyburn dominates in Coast Series as the 2013-14 Teck Regional Cup Series winds up »


The Teck Regional Cup Series wound up on the weekend with the final event of the season taking place at Mt Washington on Vancouver Island. To view the Club Aggregate Points Chart for all four of the Regional Cup Series, click here: http://crosscountrybc.ca/teck-regional-cup-series-club-aggregate-awards

Teck Coast Cup Series

The Hollyburn Cross Country Ski Club (Vancouver) maintained their early season lead over last years winner, Strathcona Nordics, to win the series ‘banner’ by a significant margin.  Seven clubs participated.

Teck Okanagan Cup Series

The Larch Hills Nordic Society (Salmon Arm) again led Sovereign Lake, Telemark and the other big clubs in the region to win the club aggregate.  Six clubs participated in this series.

Teck Northern Cup Series

The Bulkley Valley Cross Country Ski Club (Smithers) led the Caledonia Nordic Ski Club and other clubs in the region for the second consecutive year to take home the series banner.  Six clubs participated in these events.

Teck Kootenay Cup Series

In early February the Black Jack Cross Country Ski Club (Rossland) led the Nelson Nordic Ski Club to take home the Kootenay Cup trophy for the second year in a row.  Seven clubs participated.

Many thanks to race organizers for providing this opportunity for the developing skiers in your region!!


Total # of participating clubs = 26
Total # participants = 1725
Breakdown by region:

        Coast Cup – 4 races; 521 participants  
        Kootenay Cup – 5 races; 545 participants 
        Okanagan Cup – 2 races; 391 participants 
        Northern Cup – 3 races; 277 participants