Nordiq Canada along side our snowsports partners across North America are working towards a joint announcement regarding a full fluoro wax ban for the 2020-21 season. As of the week of April 6th the International Ski Federation was still moving forward with their proposed FIS wide ban on the use of fluorinated waxes. The working group focused on the implementation of the ban continues to meet weekly on the topic.
On our end of things it is the position of Nordiq Canada that the Tier 2 ban of medium and high fluoro waxes from the 2019-20 season was successful and with the impending FIS ban for next season that Tier 2 events sanctioned by Nordiq Canada will move to a full fluoro ban as well. As Tier 1 events are all FIS sanctioned competitions and fall under the FIS ban we would have across the board a full fluoro ban for Nordiq Canada sanctioned events for next season. We are working on providing information for the proper disposal of fluorinated wax products, addressing concerns in regards to contaminated waxing equipment and an updated Allowable Wax list. More details will be shared as they become available. Tentatively mid May has been proposed for an official announcement among all snowsports in North America.
Question: Jeff Ellis,