BC Societies Act – Big Changes Ahead for BC Sport Organizations
The new BC Societies Act is expected to come into force within 18 months (by November 2016) and will replace the existing BC Society Act – the legislation under which sport organizations in BC are incorporated. The new Act is expected to introduce many changes to how sport organizations in BC operate. Organizations will have two years to transition once the new Act is ‘in force’.
The BC Societies Act is a ‘made-in-BC’ piece of legislation that evolved after the provincial government hosted information sessions and received over 200 unique submissions in response to the proposed Act. The new Societies Act is very different from other new not-for-profit Acts including the federal NFP Act and Ontario’s ONCA.
The Sport, Law & Strategy Group have added a BC-specific webpage to their site that will archive their updates and writings on the new Societies Act. BC organizations may also be able to learn lessons from the transition process that has completed federally and is continuing in Ontario.
To view the complete article click on: http://www.sportlaw.ca/2015/05/bc-societies-act-big-changes-ahead-for-bc-sport-organizations/