2019 NCCP Comp-Dev (L2C) On-Snow Workshop
Please make note of the following Comp-Dev workshop. There are limited workshops at this level, therefore it is important for coaches to schedule and plan attendance accordingly.
COMP-DEV (L2C) ON-SNOW WORKSHOP - Whistler, BC. November 21 - 24, 2019
REGISTRATION AND INFORMATION: https://thelocker.coach.ca/event/registration/3287
400$ per coach includes workshop materials, four complete days of training, re-workshop portfolio evaluation and evaluation. All other expenses are the responsibility of the participants. Note that the workshop may be cancelled for lack of registrations.
PRE-REQUISITES: Comp-Dev (L2C) Dryland Workshop completed.
PRE-WORKSHOP MATERIALS AND ASSIGNMENT: reading materials and pre-workshop assignments (if applicable) will be forwarded to participants with details and deadlines. Take note that you must forward your portfolio for “Monitoring, testing and designing training plans for L2C athletes” at the time of registration if you want this evaluation to be completed during the workshop.
Ilona Gyapay | Coach and Athlete Development Coordinator
Cross Country Canada | Ski de fond Canada
100-1995 Olympic Way | Canmore, Alberta | Canada | T1W 2T6
T: 403.678.6791 x 41 F: 403.678.3885
igyapay@cccski.com | www.cccski.com